Our engineering expertise is deployed across the business to deliver a wide variety of projects. EnQuest has the right mix of integrated technical capabilities to select appropriate production and development options, deliver high levels of production efficiency and control costs to realise value from maturing and underdeveloped assets. Similarly, the Group is using its skills to assess repurposing opportunities of existing infrastructure and progress decarbonisation opportunities.
For more information on our Sullom Voe Terminal projects click here.

EnQuest is the owner and operator of the Bressay field having acquired an interest in it from Equinor in January 2021. Bressay is a heavy oil field east of the Shetland Islands, approximately 12 kilometres northeast of the Kraken field. Discovered in 1976, Bressay is believed to be one of the largest undeveloped oil fields in the UK continental shelf (‘UKCS’) with more than 115MMbbls of net 2C resources. A project is currently underway to progress the development of the field drawing on EnQuest’s track record of success in the adjacent Kraken field.

The Bentley field was acquired in April 2021. This heavy oil field was discovered in 1977 and is located adjacent to the Bressay field. It is estimated to have net 2C resources of c.130million barrels of oil. Advancement of Bentley is anticipated to be part of a phased development, potentially following that of Bressay.