Underpinning the Group's licence to operate is its health and safety performance. As such, the Group's priority is to deliver SAFE Results without compromising its standards to meet other business objectives.

Culture and Personal safety
Safety is at the heart of EnQuest’s Values. The Group undertakes continuous improvement activities in support of the delivery of SAFE behaviours aligned to four key pillars of:
• Standards – following rules and procedures;
• Awareness – understanding the hazards and controls;
• Fairness – adopting the correct behaviours; and
• Engagement – communicating effectively.
The outcome of continuous improvement activities is to ensure that the Group’s health and safety culture continues to grow with a focus on the prevention of personal injuries, dangerous occurrences and hydrocarbon releases.
During 2022, the Group’s Lost Time Incident (‘LTI’) performance, one of the Group’s key performance indicators, remained in the upper quartile, with a Group LTI frequency of 0.57 (2021: 0.21).