Environmental, Social and Governance
Our people
At EnQuest, we recognise people
are critical to our success and we
are committed to ensuring EnQuest
remains a great place to work.
We have a strong set of Values
that underpin our way of working
and provide a rewarding work
environment, with opportunities for
growth and learning while contributing
to the delivery of our strategy.
An inclusive workforce
We remain committed to providing an
inclusive culture that recognises and
celebrates difference and sees a diverse
culture as an enabler of creativity and
performance improvement. Established
in 2021, the Group-wide diversity and
inclusion (‘D&I’) strategy, is firmly
embedded in the overall strategy of
the business, alongside the D&I Policy.
The policy, which can be found on the
Group’s website (www.enquest.com),
outlines seven key commitments to:
• Challenge our personal bias;
• Understand the diversity of our
• Resource the organisation, ensuring
diversity matters;
• Engage and educate our workforce
on D&I;
• Learn from each other by providing
reverse mentoring;
• Consider suppliers who are diverse
and inclusive; and
• Learn and continuously improve.
’Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Culture’
training, which had a 70% take-up rate,
has been provided for all our UK-based
managers and supervisors during
2022. The training was split into two
sessions; the first built on the ‘Conscious
Inclusion’ training from 2021 that helped
to improve participants’ knowledge and
skills to create a more inclusive culture,
while the second session was aimed
at creating awareness of privilege
and microaggressions by engaging
in group discussions and ultimately
producing an improvement plan for
the Company to implement in 2023.
The UK’s EnQlusion workforce group
promoted a number of initiatives
during 2022, including continued
support for the Association for
Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers,
International Women in Engineering
Day and the UK’s AXIS Network.
An employee ‘pulse’ survey that
focused on diversity and inclusion was
conducted in the UK during September
2022. The survey provided a useful
narrative on employee perceptions
of the levels of diversity and inclusion
in the business. This has acted as a
signpost for improvement areas, such
as raising awareness of how a more
diverse and inclusive environment
can be a more motivating place to
work and lead to delivering improved
Business performance. During 2023
and beyond, we remain committed
to implementing several initiatives in
direct response to the survey’s findings.
Additionally, we will also revisit our
Diversity and Inclusion strategy to
ensure it remains relevant for the future
and further strengthen our three-
year road map to increase non-male
representation at senior management.
While recruitment processes are
being evolved to encourage a broad
spectrum of applicants, we remain
committed to fair treatment of people
with disabilities in relation to job
applications. Full consideration is
given to applications from disabled
persons where the candidate’s
particular aptitudes and abilities are
consistent with adequately meeting
the requirements of the job. As set
out in the Equal Opportunities &
Dignity at Work Policy, we encourage
individuals with a disability, or who
develop a disability at any time during
their employment, to speak to their
line manager about their condition.
This will enable the Group to provide
support and access to the necessary
training for the relevant individual.
Our people and organisational
strategy is to ensure that we have
the right people, in the right roles,
driving performance and delivering
efficiencies as we continue to pursue
our strategy. As such, we ensure that our
processes are open and transparent,
providing equal opportunities for all.
We will continue with this approach,
recruiting individuals based on merit
and their suitability for the role.
EnQuest was delighted to sponsor
the Student Room at the OEUK annual
decommissioning conference
in St Andrews in November 2022.
This demonstrated our ongoing
commitment to sharing knowledge in
the industry, as well as encouraging
future generations of engineers to
consider a career in decommissioning.
Ways of working and engagement
We have a strong set of Values
and high standards of business
conduct which we expect our
employees and everyone we work
with to demonstrate and adhere to.
Throughout 2022, we continued to
celebrate and recognise those who
had demonstrably lived our Values
through our Values awards presented
at our Global Town Hall events.
As the world emerges from the
COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions
are lifted, we have continued to
review our ways of working, adopting
hybrid and flexible working where
appropriate, while respecting
geographical and cultural differences.
To help us understand employee
engagement levels, a Group-wide
employee survey will be conducted
in 2023. Together with our Diversity
and Inclusion ‘pulse’ surveys, these
engagement steps remain an important
driver to identify areas requiring
management focus. The previous
Group-wide survey concluded in early
2022, with a participation rate of over
71%. The results were communicated
to teams and managers across the
business, with progress against existing
action plans reviewed and updates
made to those plans to address areas
where there is identified scope for
improvement. Group-wide areas of focus
included communicating and sharing
our Company purpose and strategy
within departments and teams, creating
open spaces for teams to engage with
their managers, simplify processes and
procedures and make improvements
to office working environments.
In addition to engagement surveys,
the EnQuest Global Employee Forum,
attended by two formally designated
Non-Executive Directors, met three
times throughout 2022. Areas
discussed and reviewed during the
year included:
• Hybrid working effectiveness;
• Employee reward and recognition; and
• Optimising organisational
2025 targets
Women in leadership and
management roles
Ethnic minority representation
in Executive leadership roles